Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weekend Fun

Josh and I had a great weekend!! We started it off by meeting some of our favorite friends, Todd and Jenny, at PF Chang's. We were there to start celebrating Jenny's 30th birthday a day early. We had a great time. Josh and I always like hanging out with these two. Since Todd is a minister and Jenny is a minister's wife Josh and I have lots in common with them. Not to mention Jenny and I have been friends since I moved to Little Rock in 1995 (probably really became friends in 1996 but who's counting) so I enjoy hanging out with her regardless.

Todd and Josh. Jenny and I sure have handsome husbands. Thank you, Lord!

Jenny and I. Our husbands sure do have lovely wives. :)

After our delicious dinner and good conversation Josh and I headed home by way of Maggie Moos. Yes, I fell of the diet wagon this weekend. I had a feeling this might happen. BUT tomorrow is a new day and so far all of my clothes still fit. Ha. It's frozen entrees all week for me. Glory. Anyway, we eventually made it home and went to bed early. We were both exhausted and we had lots to accomplish the next day.

Saturday morning we woke up early (like 7am), went to breakfast, then grocery shopping at Wal-Mart and then I met up with Jenny again to REALLY celebrate her birthday. In honor of her b-day we went to a hair bow making class. It was a lot of fun!

Jenny wasn't thrilled about having her photo taken, especially at 10:30 in the morning. But I insisted and helped her understand "it's for the blog."

Here's the ribbon I chose. I had two very specific things in mind I needed to make bows for so it helped narrow down the options. The hair bow making process is very easy. Mine are still a little rusty but the more I do it the easier they are and the better they look. My first two creations are a little rough.

I wish I had taken pictures of Jenny's bows because they were so cute!

After class I went to Hobby Lobby, did a few other random errands and then it was home to nap. I guess the bows wore me out. After my nap was over I got in the car and headed for a little treat...

Frappuccino Happy Hour. Yum-O! I LOVE fraps. Normally I get "light" but I didn't this time. I got the caramel with extra coffee. Fabulous. I knew I'd need some extra caffeine for the rest of the evening. After my snack I got out the sewing/embroider machine and went to town on a few things. I can't show you what I made just yet but here's a little of what I had to work with.

I'm pleased with how my items turned out and they were a lot of fun to make. I ended up staying until after midnight, which is sooooo unlike me, just to get them finished. I will show you the finished product as soon as I can.

This morning Josh and I got up, went to church, helped with our Graduate recognition luncheon, and then headed to the apartment. We had a full weekend but a wonderful one. Now it's back to work tomorrow. Sad times. Oh well, at least I have a job. For that, I'm thankful! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend.


Laurie said...

Love your bows! They look great! I also had a half price Frapp. from Starbucks this weekend. Just listened to a David Platt sermon online.(you told me about him) Convicting! He is a wonderful man of God.

Kelly said...

You are a sewing MACHINE! I don't even know who you are anymore. ha ha ha ha! I'm secretly praying you have a baby girl one day because you will outfit her so cute!! :-)

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Your first hairbows are CUTE! I also did a 1/2 price Caramel Frapp last week...I wish they had Happy Hour everyday!

Erin said...

I'm glad I got to see you and Jenny at the hairbow making class. ME wore one of hers to church the next day. I wish my head was a little more clear on Sat. so I could have done a better job. But you're right it was an easy process and will get better each time we do them.

Happy craft-making!

Faith said...

Don't you think Happy Hour should be here to stay?!? I had a decaf black and white mocha frap last week that was SO good.

Love the bows - you did so good!! I promise, with more practice you will really find your groove. Looking forward to seeing your after pics on your fun projects!

Betsy said...

I agree with Kelly. All you need now is a cute baby girl to go with your cute bows!! :)

Have a great week Hillary!!

Jill said...

Cute couples make cute babies, ya know. You need to have a baby soon, so you can put all of these bows in her hair. :)

Fun weekend!!

Fran said...

Look at you!!!!! Love the bows!
Pat yourself on the back! ;)

Jeff, Sarah, Lydia & Jack Henry said...

Where did you take your bow making class at? Also, you mentioned taking a sewing class. I would LOVE to take one. Do you live around Little Rock?